13 September 2008


Eduardo Recife (Misprinted Type)

Ryan McGinley

11 September 2008

i love this.


08 September 2008

Here's another.
I know they're simple, but I like simple.
Anything I can/should do to improve them so far?


I like this one.

And before anyone says anything... I know, I used Courier. I LOVE COURIER I DON'T KNOW WHY BUT I LOVE IT.

I feel like a new creature today!

I'll post work later on... I think I might change some of my typefaces.

07 September 2008

I'm frustrated...

So, I have spent days thinking about this assignment and all day today working on it and nothing good has happened...

Here's what I have so far, but hopefully by the time I bring it into class it will be completely different.

I decided to use postings from Craig's List as my text. (I also played around with some Bukowski poetry, but as I said, I have been very uninspired this week)

I'll post more work tomorrow. Hopefully I'll be in a different mindset.


So, I decided to replace Geometric 212 with Futurist Fixed, and Century Expanded with Krone Regular.


So those are the fonts I think I am going to use for my specimen book.
(1) Burlington
(2) Bembo
(3) Century Expanded
(4) Coffee Shop
(5) Galaxie Polaris
(6) Geometric 212
(7) Leroy Brown
(8) Li Song Pro
(9) Monterey BT
(10) Neutra Display
(11) Opti Len Len
(12) Univers

I am not as far along with this as I'd like to be, because Jesus decided to bless me with a nasty cold this week.

I may decide to change some of the fonts because some of them look too similar. My brain started to cook a lil bit after looking at the font folders for 4+ hours.

More later.