08 October 2008

Working more on the first concept...

I don't really like it very much, but I don't know what to do. I'm kind of stuck.

(I forgot to explain it before.. the numbers inside the sound wave represent the number of songs I have listened to by each artist in the last seven days.. There will eventually be ten artists and I also have all that other information that I could show, and would like to show, but I just don't know how yet)


Anonymous said...

what about it don't you like? also, since you like courier, have you read the book House of Leaves? I think that book was written in 90% courier. AND it's amazing

Bailey said...

i just don't feel like its "me"
i kind of feel like it looks juvenile and just not what i wish would come out of me. i love nicholas felton's work, and i wish i could do something closer to his style than what i am doing now.

i feel like it looks too 'computer-ey' and my level of execution on this one is not where i'd like it to be.

i don't know, i always hate my work, but i'm really struggling with this. i think this week i'll probably have to come up with a few more concepts, because i hate just doing the first thing i think of.

i started reading house of leaves a few years ago but then the friend i borrowed it from needed it back.. maybe i'll check it out again, i forgot about it.. thanks! :)

Bailey said...

but really i just need to do less complaining and more designing!

i appreciate your feedback, its really great